Friday, October 9, 2020

15 things 20-somethings need to know about weight loss

Eat more to lose weight


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The years of our 20 years are made of friendship, love (s), studies, adventures, parties ... An explosive cocktail of happiness and joie de vivre, which can sometimes be accompanied by 'a small gain in weight (cocktails oblige). Result: some of us embark on a diet race, with varying degrees of success. But before you want to lose 2, 3 or 4 kg at any cost, clear your mind of all your misconceptions about weight loss.

To get through your twenties in style, far from prejudices about weight and thinness, let's follow the advice of Georgie Fear, dietitian and author of the book Lean Habits for Lifelong Weight Loss.

Diet and weight loss: things to know at 20

Being in good health is more important than weight.

We always refer to our weight to assess whether or not we are in good shape. However, the ideal weight, the BMI or the number that appears on the scale is of little importance.

If you eat relatively well, if you exercise, if you have good general health and above all, if you are at peace with your body, there is no need to put pressure on yourself.

Losing weight is never easier than in your twenties.

If you need to lose weight, you might as well do it before your 30s. After a certain age, the metabolism (especially the number of calories burned at rest) slows down and the pounds are more and more difficult to lose.

Some parts of the body are not editable.

You can influence your weight: by restricting your diet and playing sports, the numbers invariably drop on the scales.

On the other hand, you cannot change your size, morphology and the length of your legs. In other words: learning to love your body is the best advice we can give you.

Quick fixes don't work.

Fat-burning supplements, slimming detox juices, star-diet-to-lose-6-kilos-in-3-days ... While these options may indeed make you feel lighter in the short term, they do not. never a miracle.

On the contrary, these kinds of magic recipes are often based on a very low calorie diet. So, of course, we lose weight ... until the next craving!

A healthy diet is undertaken over the long term and requires patience. If you need to lose weight now, immediately adopt a cut that refines the face or put on a dress that flatters your body.

The effectiveness of a diet varies from person to person.

A person's needs vary according to their metabolism, their daily physical activity, their health ... So it is not because a protein diet worked miracles on Marie that it will work on Lucie. .

Hence the importance of seeking advice from a dietitian before starting a diet.

Sleep, the secret to losing weight.

Let it be said, your twenties are not the best time to sleep ... However, sleeping at least 7 hours a night helps to better regulate your appetite.

A short night (worse, a sleepless night) can put disorder in the mechanisms of hunger and direct us irremediably towards fatty and calorie foods the next day.

Lack of sleep (and therefore fatigue) also reduces physical performance. Result: we benefit less from training than after a good night in the arms of Morpheus.

Lose weight at 20: a little nutrition facts

Difficult to lose weight without changing your diet.

No matter how many hours you run, calories are always consumed faster than they are burned.

Sport is essential for good health and firming the body, but it alone is not enough to lose weight.

No need to deprive yourself of carbohydrates to lose weight.

We always equate carbohydrates with sugars. However, most foods rich in carbohydrates are only good for us, especially if we are overactive.

The body needs sugars, fiber, and starch to function. You just have to choose the right carbohydrates. Long live the pasta, the fruit, the bread; goodbye industrial sweets and cookies!

young blonde woman eats barbapapa

Gluten does not make you fat.

Gluten does not make you fat. Sugars, cheese, and an occasional prepared meal either. What makes you fat is excess. Let's say it again: you have to eat everything, in moderation.

Eating less fat does not necessarily make you lose weight.

Again, there is fat and fat. The good fats in olive oil and avocado do not prevent weight loss. On the contrary, they use the digestive system longer and therefore help to prolong the feeling of fullness.

Enemy # 1 is the saturated fat in industrial pizzas, XXL portions of French fries, or the bacon cheeseburger from your favorite fast food chain.

Stopping alcohol helps (a lot) to lose weight.

Ah, we know them, the drenched nights that forge the twenties ...

But just because there is no calorie chart on the bottle of wine doesn't mean that wine has no calories. Alcohol, especially well-sweetened cocktails, is one of the highest calorie drinks.

Sports tips for losing weight in your twenties

Exercise for a shorter period of time but more intensely, to lose more weight.

Better to do two intense sports sessions in the week than five quiet endurance sessions.

To burn more calories in less time, each exercise must be made more efficient: you speed up the pace, add weights, use a slackline or a BOSU to jeopardize your balance ...

To lose weight, bet on cardio.

Aerobic movements allow you to sweat more than a weight training session. With cardio we melt and therefore we burn fat.

Better yet: cardio with weights. In lack of idea? Bet on HIIT, spinning or boxing, for example.

No need to be registered at the gym to lose weight.

The "I don't have enough money to play sports" excuse dates from Methuselah ... but it doesn't help with weight loss.

What works? A free floor mat and fitness exercises to do at home!

Vary your workouts, the trick to losing weight.

Repeating the same exercises over and over boosts ego, but not weight loss.

On the contrary, when we renew the way to put it in difficulty, the body must make more efforts to adapt. Result: it burns more calories.


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