Monday, October 26, 2020

Eat fruits every day, a great health benefit

 Fruits are perfect to provide us with a part of carbohydrates in our daily diet, but above all, their contribution is vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, fiber and organic water.

The main element in the composition of the fruit is water (approximately 80 or 90%), but it is not just any type of water, but organic water, that is, clean water full of trace elements and organic nutrients that They cleanse our body and provide us with some of the necessary elements to keep us healthy, young and strong.

Why is eating fruit so good and necessary?

Fruit is an important part of our diet that cannot be missing from your daily diet because in addition to being beneficial for your body due to the abundant amount of nutrients it contains, it is necessary to guarantee many of the functions that your body needs to perform every day. .

The richness of this food is mainly due to its composition, since it is made up mostly of water, in addition to containing a large amount of vitamins, an important part of minerals, such as calcium, potassium and phosphorus, among others, as well as dietary fiber whose proportion will depend on the type of fruit in question.

fruits, vitamins, minerals, digestion, fibers, diet

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When is the best time to have fruit?

The most normal thing is to eat the fruit after meals, since it is a much healthier and more natural option than other more elaborate desserts that may contain more sugar. The problem with taking it after eating is that you can lose many of the nutrients that they can provide, since these are lost in the digestive process because they go along with food. Furthermore, the fruit can even ferment because the digestive process can be slowed down precisely for this reason. This is the reason why some people feel uncomfortable eating the fruit after eating, and prefer to eat it between meals, on an empty stomach or not so full of food.

Then you may come to think that the best time to eat fruit is between meals, when your stomach is empty, and thus, you can prevent digestion from slowing down or the fruit from fermenting in the intestine with the rest of the meal. But you cannot take it at any time either, since in addition to containing vitamins and minerals, it also contains fructose, which is a type of glucose that your body converts into energy, and if you are not able to consume that energy, it can accumulate in your body and become fat in the long run. Therefore, it is more convenient to take it in the central hours of the day.

It is very good to start the day with fruit, including some piece in your breakfast, since it is a great way to recharge your batteries for the whole day, but it is also very healthy if you consume it in the middle of the morning and mid-afternoon. During the morning your metabolism goes faster and your body will be able to burn the calories it provides sooner and better assimilate the fructose it contains.

How to consume the fruit

It is advisable to eat about three pieces or servings of fruit a day. The main health organisms advise eating plenty of fruit and vegetables to enjoy health, energy, longevity and prevent diseases such as cancer. Although the vegetable can be accompanied with any dish and at any time of day without any problem, the fruit does deserve some advice that we must take into account to benefit from its properties and avoid causing problems in the body:

The fruit must be eaten alone

Fruit is the fastest-digesting food due to its high water content. If we consume it in combination with another food (especially with desserts), it will remain in the stomach for too long since other foods need a longer digestion time. All this will make it ferment and rot. Try to eat the fruit with a space of at least one hour with respect to the intake of any other food and remember that the fruit with milk is one of the worst mixtures you can make.

Without removing the skin

If we are going to consume ordinary fruit from the supermarket, it is better to peel it, even at the risk of losing nutrients, because most of the chemical products with which it has been treated will remain on the skin (and some will penetrate inside). But if we consume organic fruit, it is better not to remove the skin, since it contains most of the vitamins and minerals.

To simmer

If we are going to eat cooked fruit, then try to keep it for a very short time and with a very low heat, since vitamins resist heat poorly (this principle applies to any vegetable).

Acid fruits and sweet fruits

It is better to avoid excessive consumption of acidic fruits, especially in the afternoon and evening. The best time to eat an orange or a kiwi, for example, is in the morning, and without accompanying any other food. If you are going to eat more than one fruit, make sure they have the same degree of acidity, that is, either all acidic or all sweet, and don't mix them.

Freshly cut fruit

To enjoy all the properties of a piece of fruit, it is best to eat it ripe, freshly cut, whole and never after a while of having chopped it, since oxidation will have lost most of its properties.

fruits, vitamins, minerals, digestion, fibers, diet

10 Benefits of taking fruit daily

Let's go with these 10 benefits that eating fruit will bring you on a regular basis, which will make you not forget to take it daily:

1. They provide a large amount of vitamins and minerals

Fruits provide a large amount of vitamins that your body needs to perform its functions. Among these vitamins, we highlight vitamin C, which, among other things, helps you increase your defenses and promote skin healing, or vitamin A that helps keep your bones and teeth healthy, as well as contributing to good vision.


Let's check what the different vitamins that we find, to a greater or lesser extent, in all fruits do:

Vitamin A: Participates in cell regeneration, stimulates the immune system and improves vision.

Vitamin B1: Maintains the health of the cardiovascular system.

Vitamin B2: This vitamin acts as an enzyme to metabolize the main macronutrients.

Vitamin B3: The nervous system is the main beneficiary of this vitamin.

Vitamin B5: It acts on the correct functioning of the adrenal glands.

Vitamin B6: Helps the liver to release glycogen, which is essential for the central nervous system.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid: This vitamin works specifically in the elaboration of endogenous proteins.

Vitamin C: It is involved in numerous biochemical reactions in the body and helps in the assimilation of iron.

Vitamin E: Fundamentally has an antioxidant mission and also stimulates the production of HDL cholesterol (the good one).

2. They provide a large amount of minerals necessary for your body


Different types of fruit contain numerous minerals and trace elements in varying concentrations. Let's take a look at some of the most necessary and found in significant quantities in most fruits.

Calcium: It is one of the most important minerals, essential to maintain the health of bones and teeth.

Phosphorus: This mineral is essential for the cellular activity of muscles and tissues.

Potassium: Potassium counteracts sodium levels, helps in fluid retention and alkalizes the body.

Iron: It is essential to transport oxygen to cells through hemoglobin.

Zinc: It plays an important role in glandular metabolisms.

Iodine: Stimulates the thyroid gland.

Fluorine: Works on the health of bones and teeth.

Magnesium: Participates in the main physiological functions, especially in the synthesis of proteins such as hormones and enzymes.

3. They are a great source of antioxidants

Fruits are one of the best sources of antioxidants that nature can provide you, so they will help you fight against free radicals that are responsible for aging cells and cause some diseases. For this reason, regular fruit consumption can help prevent many diseases, including cancer.

Examples of fruits with a large amount of antioxidants are strawberries, pomegranate, blueberries and raspberries, among others.

4. They contain a lot of fiber

Along with the vitamins and minerals, the fiber contained in the fruit is one of its most outstanding qualities. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot metabolize because it lacks certain enzymes that can break it down.

As it cannot be metabolized or absorbed in the intestines, it must be expelled through the intestinal tract. The fiber works as a brush that cleans the intestinal walls, collaborates with the intestinal flora and increases the level of the stool, promoting muscle contractions and thus stimulating intestinal transit and avoiding constipation.

5. They help you avoid fluid retention

In addition to providing fluid to your body, since most fruits are composed of water, they are excellent diuretics that will help you prevent fluid retention. Keep in mind that they are also a good alternative to consume sweet foods much healthier than other foods such as cookies or pastries.

Among the most diuretic fruits that will help you avoid fluid retention you can find pineapple, papaya, kiwi, strawberries and blueberries.

6. They promote your cardiovascular health

As I have already told you, fruits are rich in fiber, water and antioxidants, which is why they become ideal foods for your cardiovascular system. They help you reduce high total cholesterol levels, lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. In addition, they are great for reducing blood pressure when it is at high levels, so they help in a very positive way to improve blood circulation.

Among the fruits to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, apples, grapes, strawberries and citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and kiwis stand out, for example, while to reduce high blood pressure we can highlight the banana and the lemon.

7. They help you maintain your ideal weight

In general, fruit is a low-calorie food that provides practically no fat, making it ideal to satisfy your appetite without ingesting hardly any calories. They are also great and recommended in diets to control weight and weight loss diets. Exceptions to this case, we find avocado and coconut, since they are the ones that provide the most fat, although in this case they are healthy and suitable for reducing cholesterol and triglycerides.

To achieve your ideal weight, don't forget fruits such as apple, pear, papaya, strawberries, and kiwi.

8. They are very refreshing and they are also delicious

Especially in hot weather, when your body does not feel like eating food with too many calories, fresh fruit becomes a very healthy option to refresh your body, much more than ice cream or gelatin. Thanks to its richness in water, fresh fruit helps quench your thirst, especially on very hot days, as well as being delicious.

Very refreshing examples for hot times can be watermelon and melon.

9. They are ideal for purifying our body

Thanks to its richness in water, fiber and natural antioxidants, fruit is a great ally to cleanse your body. Its regular consumption helps you eliminate toxins and waste that have accumulated in your body and that your body does not need.

Examples of very cleansing fruits are pineapple, pear, watermelon, cherries and apricots, among others.

10. Helps prevent disease

When you eat fruit daily, you provide your body with essential nutrients that help to strengthen your immune system, so it will be useful to prevent some diseases. Vitamin C helps prevent colds and flu, as well as reducing infection periods and alleviating symptoms, while vitamin E is helpful in preventing certain cardiovascular diseases and even some types of cancer.

Examples of fruits rich in vitamin C are strawberries, oranges, lemons, grapefruits or kiwis, while vitamin E can be found in apricots, kiwis, avocados and mangoes, for example.

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